Value Proposition LithoNutri®
Product description
LITHONUTRI POWDER is a highly effective buffer and nutritious ingredient that can be used on-farm directly or incorporated into mineral mixes. LITHONUTRI POWDER contains over 70 minerals, including Calcium and Magnesium, that contribute to the health, growth, reproduction, and maintenance of ruminants. Its honeycomb-shaped structure allows liquid media, at neutral to acidic pH, to slowly solubilizes all the bioavailable Calcium and Magnesium carbonates and other minerals within the algae. The slow release of carbonates results in the neutralization of excessive acids produced within the rumen, leading to a long-term buffering effect that optimizes the pH and maintains the rumen environment more stable throughout the day.
Composition – 100% Calcified Calcareous Marine Algae (Lithothamnium)
The origin of the name Lithothamnium comes from the Greek litho, which means stone and thamnion, a small tree. Those algae may live from 10 to 15 years, growing from 0.3 to 3 mm per year (LEE, 1999). Lithothamnium is a gender of marine algae that is present in big colonies in the open sea and grows in depths of up to 30 meters. It is made up by more than 40 balanced nutrients, with high solubility and availability to the living beings.
The extraction of the raw material is environmentally friendly. The process is fully conscious and projected in a way that the quantity of sediments removed is compatible with the natural replacement, which makes it environmentally sustainable. The processing is made of drying (Natural Drying: Low thermal impact, preserving all the organic wealth of the algae), grinding, granulation, packaging and storage, complying with the international standards of quality and safety certifications. A 100% natural product with no alterations and/or inclusions during the industrialization process, with the USDA Certification for its use in organic agriculture.
✓ Works as a slow-release buffer, neutralizing the acids for a long period of time, taking up to 8 hours for the total release of calcium and magnesium.
✓ Shown to bind 166% more acid compared to Bicarb*
✓ Optimises rumen pH for microbial fermentation
✓ Improves fibre digestion, feed efficiency, and milk yield and quality
✓ Improves ADG, Carcass quality and Yield
✓ Natural source of bioavailable calcium and magnesium (8 x more bio available than inorganic mineral sources)
✓ Approved for organic use
✓ Contains more than 70 minerals
* University of Hannover, Germany, 2020